Tom Goodman March 28, 2021 Life in the House of Grace Tom Goodman March 28, 2021 In God's grace we serve faithfully like Jesus and stand faithfully with Jesus.— John 5:1-15
Tom Goodman March 21, 2021 Carry the Fire Tom Goodman March 21, 2021 How can you carry faith like fire? It starts with a spark that leads to a flame which leads to a blaze.— John 4:46-53
Tom Goodman March 14, 2021 Invite Your World to Life Tom Goodman March 14, 2021 Learn a 6-step process for leading someone into a relationship with Christ.— 1 Chronicles 13:2
Tom Goodman March 7, 2021 Going Public with Your Faith Tom Goodman March 7, 2021 When should I go public with my faith, how should I go public, and what can I expect if I do?— John 4:27-42
Tom Goodman February 28, 2021 Finding Fulfillment Tom Goodman February 28, 2021 Our soul thirsts for significance like our body sometimes thirsts for water, but we find fulfillment in Jesus.— John 4:4-29
Tom Goodman February 21, 2021 I Am Second Tom Goodman February 21, 2021 How do we evaluate ministry--our own and someone else's?— John 3:22-36
Tom Goodman February 14, 2021 Labor and Deliverance Tom Goodman February 14, 2021 Why do I need a "born again" experience, how can I have it, and when can I begin?— John 3:1-21
Tom Goodman February 7, 2021 Not a Tame Lion Tom Goodman February 7, 2021 Do we share Jesus's "zeal" for God's special meeting-place? — John 2:13-25
Tom Goodman January 31, 2021 Concerning His Concerns Tom Goodman January 31, 2021 We learn from Jesus's first miracle to entrust our concerns to his heart and our heart to his concerns.— John 2:1-11
Guest User January 24, 2021 See the One Who Sees You Guest User January 24, 2021 We come to faith and grow in faith as we more and more clearly see the one who perfectly sees us.— John 1:35-51
Guest User January 17, 2021 Who Are You? Guest User January 17, 2021 John the Baptist shows us how and why we form our self-identity in relation to Christ.— John 1:19-34
Guest User January 10, 2021 The Light Shines in the Darkness Guest User January 10, 2021 Christ’s victory over the forces of darkness calls for a personal response from you. — John 1:1-18
Guest User January 3, 2021 What’s the Point? Guest User January 3, 2021 2020 is gone and here we are in 2021! Now that 2020 is gone do you feel any better? Will you feel any better at the end of 2021 or will it be the same old story?— John 9:1-5
Guest User December 27, 2020 Victorious Living Despite Inglorious Circumstances Guest User December 27, 2020 Learn four ways to live in victory even when things don't go your way.— Acts 6:8-8:4
Guest User December 20, 2020 The Word Became Flesh Guest User December 20, 2020 Does God know what we’re dealing with down here? The life of Jesus answers that question with a decisive Yes!— John 1:1-18
Guest User December 13, 2020 Jesus Is Everything It Means to Be God Guest User December 13, 2020 The child represented in your Christmas manger was God visiting his creation in person!— John 1:1-18
Guest User December 6, 2020 Into the World with Words and Deeds Guest User December 6, 2020 We need to share the message of Jesus and meet needs in the name of Jesus. Are we known for both?— Acts 3
Guest User November 29, 2020 Do You Need a Thanksgiving Do-Over? Guest User November 29, 2020 Learn why and how to be more grateful.— Psalm 111
Guest User November 22, 2020 Three Ways to Miss Jesus Guest User November 22, 2020 Avoid the three attitudes that cause people to miss experiencing the fullness of life God offers.— Matthew 12:38-50
Guest User November 15, 2020 Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With? Guest User November 15, 2020 What are God’s rules about sex, why did he give us those rules, and how can we practice them?— Hebrews 13:4