Kairos #52 is scheduled for March 27 - 30
Look for the Kairos table in the MPC each Sunday, March 2 - 23
It's time to send Jim Steed and Pastor Tom to prison again! The mission of the Kairos Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities.
"...I was in prison and you came to visit me." (Matthew 25:36)
Get Kairos Cookie Instructions and Learn about Other Ways to Help
Please bring donations by Sunday, April 6th
NO EGGS are needed this year, but we still need candy and small toy donations for egg stuffing!
If you can help fill eggs between now and Palm Sunday, please let me know: diane@hillcrest.church. Many hands make light work!
You can also sign up here to volunteer for the Palm Sunday Egg Hunt event. We need lots of helpers to continue to make this event a great success!
Palm Sunday Egg Hunt Volunteers Sign Up HERE
Wednesdays, 5:00pm, MPC (see menu for specific dates)
Join us for Fellowship and Food! Cost is $5.00 per person or $15.00 per family. RSVPs are required.
RSVP on your Connection Card this Sunday, OR call the church office 512-345-3771 by Monday 4:30pm for that week’s supper.
Following Wednesday Night Supper at 5:45pm, MPC
Join us in the MPC each Wednesday from 5:45 to 6:15pm for a brief Bible study and time of prayer. Our study is called “uTurn: A Look at a Converted Life.” We’ll look at the Apostle Paul’s conversion from Acts 9 and learn what u-turns we should make in our own lives.
Learn More about Wednesday Night Supper
Sunday, March 30 during 10:00am worship service
The Lord's Supper is a symbolic act of obedience whereby believers memorialize the death of the Redeemer and anticipate His second coming.
Please contact Pastor Tom Goodman if you have questions regarding Lord’s Supper.
REMINDER: If you will be worshiping online, please have your Lord’s Supper items out and ready when service begins at 10am.
Click Here for more options
Thank You for Supporting the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering!
Help Us Reach Our Hillcrest Goal: $5,000
Give Now to support the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
Palm Sunday, April 13 - Easter Sunday, April 20
Join us for Hillcrest’s Easter Trail Scavenger Hunt! This event will be available from Palm Sunday, April 13 through Easter Sunday, April 20. Since it’s outside, it’s available 24/7. Find the first egg in the planter box on the front porch. The egg will have a #1 and a QR code. Scan the QR code and listen to something that happened during the last week of Jesus’ life on earth. Then scroll down to find instructions on where to find the next egg. When you finish the Hunt, you can print a certificate commemorating your achievement. Or, you can come to the church office and have a certificate printed for you. (Office hours are M-Th 9-4). What a fun way to learn more about Jesus!
Celebrate Easter with a Baptism! Sunday April 20 during 10am Service
We have a baptism service scheduled for Easter Sunday, April 20. Parents, now would be a good time to discuss with your child or teen what it means to place our faith in Jesus and take the step of baptism.
If you want to join the Easter Baptism Celebration, or if you have any questions about it, fill out a Connection Card during the next worship service or contact Pastor Tom (tom@hillcrest.church) or 512-345-3771).
Palm Sunday, April 13, 1:00pm-2:30pm
Join us for some church family fellowship time on Palm Sunday. Bring a picnic lunch for you and your family and visit with old and new friends after your small group. Tables will be set up in the gym and on the plaza. The children’s Egg Hunt will be from 1:00-2:30pm. Volunteer to help, or just stay to watch the kids hunt for Easter Eggs. This is a great family fun day to share with your friends and neighbors.
Friday, April 18 at 6pm, Hillcrest Worship Center
Join us on Good Friday at 6 pm as we commemorate the final week of Jesus with choir, scripture and Lord’s Supper. Pastor Tom continues his lessons through Psalm 23 with the assurance that God “prepares a table” for us to fellowship with him even in the midst of trying times.
No Childcare will be provided.
Sunday, April 20, 10am - No Life Groups Scheduled
Easter Sunday Nursery Care. We always provide free childcare for bed babies and preschoolers during our worship services. If you’re planning to come on Easter Sunday, beat the crowd at the nursery check-in by registering your kids ahead of time. Click Here
Family Photo Station. Following the 10am Easter Service, join us for an informal reception in the gym. Coffee and snacks will be provided. Bring your camera or mobile phone and get a photo of your entire family at our beautifully-decorated photo station!
Easter Livestream Service. If you’re unable to attend our Easter service on campus, join us online. You can watch us on our website, our YouTube channel or on our Facebook Page.
Luke 2:52, And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
Come Grow With Us! - Sundays & Fridays
Sundays, February 16 - April 6, 5:00-6:30pm
How to Talk to God: Praying the Lord’s Prayer
ASL (American Sign Language)
Student Sunday Film Series, BAM! - Children's Study & Activities,
Preschool childcare will be provided Sundays upon request.
Fridays, February 21 - April 4, 9:30-11:00am
Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight: Ladies Bible Study
Sundays, February 16 thru April 6, 5-6:30PM, E243 (2nd floor educational building)
BAM! is BACK! Our Sunday evening training program for children grades K-5. BAM! will meet from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. in the Children’s Sunday School room located in the children’s wing on the Hillcrest campus. We will be diving deep together as we study the Bible, Missions and Worship Arts. Snacks will be served, and we will have GREAT fun learning and sharing! Come check it out!
Parents, while you are on campus, join us for one of our Live Luke 2:52 Sunday Night Studies:
Preschool care during these events is available by request. Please email pat@hillcrest.church
Fridays, 9:30-11:00am, February 21-April 4, A166, led by Sharron Ingram
Heaven. Who goes there? Where is it? What will we do there? Questions like these arise when we consider an eternal future beyond this physical life. How can we know the truth about what comes next? Come be a part of this study. Cost is $23 to purchase your book.
Learn More About This Study
Summer Camp on a Mission (June 16-20)
Sign up now, to secure one of the 20 spots. Be sure to invite friends, and if you would like to be a counselor, shoot me an email and I'll give you more details! Let's Go!
Contribution statements were emailed or mailed on January 31.
If you did not receive your contribution statement, please contact Sherrie (email sherrie@hillcrest.church or 512-345-3771) for assistance.
For emailed statements, please be sure to check your spam email folder using January 31 as the search date.
Wednesday, April 23, 6:15pm, MPC
Hillcrest Family Meeting. Every quarterly business meeting is important, but our upcoming meeting on April 23 is especially important. Dinner will be served from 5 to 6 pm for $5 for those who register for it. If you can't make it to dinner, just come to the meeting at 6:15 in the gym. Our Finance Committee has some urgent information to share, and it's critical that every member of the Hillcrest Family to be in attendance. Mark it on your calendar and don't miss this meeting.
Email denise@hillcrest.church to register for dinner on April 23.
Financial Report - Coming soon
Minutes - Coming soon
THURSDAYS, 6pm flexible start time to eat
Room A165, except for 3rd Thursday of the month when we’ll meet on the 3rd floor Summit
Are you a young adult in your 20s and 30s? Gather in the Fellowship Center each Thursday, thru May 29th for fellowship and table games. We'll eat anytime between 6:00-7:00pm and we won't have a quitting time on the board games but come and go as your schedule allows. No RSVP required. Contact Gayla for more information.
Drop in and see what’s new!
Library Hours: Sundays 9:30–10:00am
Located near the front of the church in the hallway next to the foyer.
What books would you like to see in the Hillcrest library? Let us know!
Heart & Soul: a place to go deeper into prayer and life together. This is a space for men & women to share how God is working in their lives at the heart level, and encourage one another through concentrated prayer for each other and God's purposes at Hillcrest. The group will often be divided into two groups (Heart for the women, and Soul for the men), but will sometimes meet and pray together as well. The group will meet in the Sanctuary immediately following Coffee Fellowship.
Third Wednesday and Fourth Monday of Every Month
Group leaves Hillcrest at 8:30am - meet at Church Office (Steck 2 Entrance)
We have an opportunity to serve at the Angel House Soup Kitchen! Our group will leave Hillcrest at 8:30am.
We need at least 5-6 volunteers to meet Angel House Soup Kitchen requirements.
Thank you for supporting this ministry! In May Angel House Soup Kitchen served 9,832 meals. As of May, they have served 42,875 meals this year.
Learn More Here
NEW CLASS TIME - Mon & Wed at 9:30am, MPC - Open to Adults of ALL Ages!
Cost for 2 DAYS/week: $20 per month
Cost for 1 DAY/week: $10 per month
Please join Marina Rusch at 9:30am on Mondays & Wednesdays in the MPC (Gym). Each class is an hour long and is very low impact but high intensity. To sign up or if you have questions, please contact Marina.
Pickleball - various Saturdays, 1-4pm
Email Lance Karm with questions.
Schedule subject to change. See Upcoming Schedule HERE