Sermon for January 26, 10am
The Bible warns against the terrible consequences of letting the fear of others' opinions determine our choices. How can we live fearlessly?
Week 4 in the series Adulting 101: Proverbs for Any Age
A study of Proverbs, Proverbs 29:25
Deadline for nominations: Sunday, February 9
Our deacons are looking for more men to join them. Read the deacon qualifications in 1 Timothy 3:8-13, listen to Pastor Tom's explanation of deacon qualifications in this sermon, then submit your nominations on the Connection Card in Sunday’s bulletin, or email Pastor Tom at The deadline for nominations is Sunday, February 9.
We are so grateful for those God has already moved into service as Deacons at Hillcrest:
John Alvis, Steve Ladd, Lance Karm, Barry King, Paul Rusch, Joe Ray Scurlock, John Smith, and Paul Waldo
Saturday, February 22, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, Mindy King’s home in Leander
Fee: $10, registration required & lunch will be provided
A Day of Delight designed to help you rediscover the joy, peace, and delight that comes from resting in His presence. Guided conversation from the book Delighting in Jesus by Asherita CiuCiu. Registration required and seats are limited!
Wednesday, January 22, 6:15pm, MPC
Church business is your business--get involved!
Come see what's happening behind the scenes at Hillcrest.
Sunday, February 2, 12:30pm-1:15pm, M151
Has your child expressed interest in getting baptized? Are they asking questions about it? Sign them up for our hot dog lunch on Sunday, February 2, 12:30-1:15pm. Tom and Diane Goodman will explain the gospel, the meaning of baptism, and what it means to be a Christian. You can sign up your entire family for the lunch. Register on the Connection Card in the Sunday bulletin or contact Diane Goodman
YTD Offering: $24,957.60
Hillcrest Goal: $23,000
Let’s Keep It Going! Give by January 31
Give Now to Fund: Lottie Moon
Contribution statements will be emailed or mailed no later than Friday, January 31. If you have any questions contact Sherrie (email or 512-345-3771).
Student Ministry Events 2024-2025 are posted!
Summer Camp on a Mission (June 16-20)
Back again at MFUGE to serve the wonderful people of the Dallas/Ft Worth area... reunite or meet new friends and counselors... and spread God's love through our hands, feet and hearts! We had a BLAST last year and hope to climb the ladder at the epic obstacle course now that we know what's in store! ha! Sign up now, to secure one of the 20 spots. Be sure to invite friends, and if you would like to be a counselor, shoot me an email and I'll give you more details! Let's Go!
John Cameron,,
Contact John Cameron with questions:
Wednesdays, 5:00pm, MPC (see menu for specific dates)
Join us for Fellowship and Food! Cost is $5.00 per person or $15.00 per family. RSVPs are required.
RSVP on your Connection Card this Sunday, OR call the church office 512-345-3771 by Monday 4:30pm for that week’s supper.
Following Wednesday Night Supper at 5:45pm, MPC
Join us in the MPC each Wednesday from 5:45 to 6:15pm for a brief Bible study and time of prayer. Our study is called “The Spartan Call: Rising to Christ’s Toughest Challenges.” We'll look at Jesus's rigorous commands in Matthew 5:17-48.
Learn More about Wednesday Night Supper
Drop in and see what’s new!
Library Hours: Sundays 9:30–10:00am
Located near the front of the church in the hallway next to the foyer.
What books would you like to see in the Hillcrest library? Let us know!
Heart & Soul: a place to go deeper into prayer and life together. This is a space for men & women to share how God is working in their lives at the heart level, and encourage one another through concentrated prayer for each other and God's purposes at Hillcrest. The group will often be divided into two groups (Heart for the women, and Soul for the men), but will sometimes meet and pray together as well. The group will meet in the Sanctuary immediately following Coffee Fellowship.
Third Wednesday and Fourth Monday of Every Month
Group leaves Hillcrest at 8:30am - meet at Church Office (Steck 2 Entrance)
We have an opportunity to serve at the Angel House Soup Kitchen! Our group will leave Hillcrest at 8:30am.
We need at least 5-6 volunteers to meet Angel House Soup Kitchen requirements.
Thank you for supporting this ministry! In May Angel House Soup Kitchen served 9,832 meals. As of May, they have served 42,875 meals this year.
Learn More Here
NEW CLASS TIME - Mon & Wed at 9:30am, MPC - Open to Adults of ALL Ages!
Cost for 2 DAYS/week: $20 per month
Cost for 1 DAY/week: $10 per month
Please join Marina Rusch at 9:30am on Mondays & Wednesdays in the MPC (Gym). Each class is an hour long and is very low impact but high intensity. To sign up or if you have questions, please contact Marina.
Pickleball - various Saturdays, 1-4pm
Email Lance Karm with questions.
Schedule subject to change. See Upcoming Schedule HERE