Tom Goodman July 11, 2021 I Saw The Light Tom Goodman July 11, 2021 When you place your faith in Jesus, expect 3 things to increase: your knowledge, the world's rejection, and Jesus's encouragement. - John 9: 1-41
Tom Goodman July 4, 2021 Divine Ophthalmology Tom Goodman July 4, 2021 Use your limited time and resources to help others see Jesus. - John 9:1-7
Tom Goodman June 27, 2021 The Mystery of Christianity Tom Goodman June 27, 2021 All of Christianity is a bit mysterious— Colossians 1:25-28
Tom Goodman June 20, 2021 Both Lord and Savior Tom Goodman June 20, 2021 In the life of Jesus, we discover that God came to be with us. In the death of Jesus, we discover that God came to die for us.— John 8:51-59
Tom Goodman June 13, 2021 Getting Unstuck Tom Goodman June 13, 2021 To make any progress in life, we must admit how we’re stuck and accept what it takes to get unstuck.— John 8:30-36
Tom Goodman June 6, 2021 The Light of the World Tom Goodman June 6, 2021 Jesus claimed that, just like light, he is the world’s source of life, knowledge, and joy. — John 8:12
Tom Goodman May 30, 2021 Forgiveness - Can You Imagine? Tom Goodman May 30, 2021 Learn how we must deal with others, how we must deal with ourselves, and how we must deal with Christ’s demands.— John 8:2-11
Tom Goodman May 23, 2021 Real Thirst Really Quenched Tom Goodman May 23, 2021 Find out why Jesus compares himself to water, what Jesus does to provide this water, and how we receive this water from him.— John 7:37-39
Tom Goodman May 16, 2021 Christ Followers Tom Goodman May 16, 2021 What does it mean to be a follower of Christ?— John 7:1-9
Tom Goodman May 9, 2021 Stickable Faith Tom Goodman May 9, 2021 Discover four ways to build a faith that will stick. John 6:63-71
Tom Goodman May 5, 2021 Jesus is the Bread of Life Tom Goodman May 5, 2021 By calling himself the bread of life, Jesus told us how he benefits us, what he has done to bring those benefits, and what we must do to receive those benefits.— John 6:27-35
Tom Goodman April 25, 2021 His Lordship Over Hardship Tom Goodman April 25, 2021 We experience Christ the best when we experience life the worst.— John 6:16-21
Tom Goodman April 18, 2021 Putting Our Resources in His Hands Tom Goodman April 18, 2021 Jesus expects us to decide to do what we can with what we have, not decide what we cannot do with what we do not have!— John 6:1-13
Tom Goodman April 11, 2021 Three Voices from the Witness Stand Tom Goodman April 11, 2021 To make a decision about Christ, you need to consider three voices from the witness stand.— John 5:31-47
Tom Goodman April 4, 2021 Awakened by the Voice of Jesus Tom Goodman April 4, 2021 Today, ANYONE CAN hear the voice of Jesus and come to life. On the last day, EVERYONE WILL hear the voice of Jesus.— John 5:25-29
Tom Goodman March 28, 2021 Life in the House of Grace Tom Goodman March 28, 2021 In God's grace we serve faithfully like Jesus and stand faithfully with Jesus.— John 5:1-15
Tom Goodman March 21, 2021 Carry the Fire Tom Goodman March 21, 2021 How can you carry faith like fire? It starts with a spark that leads to a flame which leads to a blaze.— John 4:46-53
Tom Goodman March 14, 2021 Invite Your World to Life Tom Goodman March 14, 2021 Learn a 6-step process for leading someone into a relationship with Christ.— 1 Chronicles 13:2
Tom Goodman March 7, 2021 Going Public with Your Faith Tom Goodman March 7, 2021 When should I go public with my faith, how should I go public, and what can I expect if I do?— John 4:27-42
Tom Goodman February 28, 2021 Finding Fulfillment Tom Goodman February 28, 2021 Our soul thirsts for significance like our body sometimes thirsts for water, but we find fulfillment in Jesus.— John 4:4-29