Just do your little part in the mission of God's church -- and do it steadily. Week 3 in the series, "Still: Stable Faith in Unstable Times." A study of Nehemiah 3:14
We might miss God at work if we only expect him to show up in the big and spectacular ways. Week 1 in the series "Still: Stable Faith in Unstable Times."
Learn to see your difficulties in the light of God instead of seeing God in the shadow of your difficulties! Week 10 in the series, “Passion for the Christ”. - John 20:24-31
Don't hide the source of your confidence and joy. Find out how to share it so that others can know it, too! Week 9 in the series, “Passion for the Christ.” - John 20:19-23
You can miss the gospel offer by believing you’re too good for it or by believing you’re too bad for it. Week 2 in the series, "Passion for the Christ."