Sunday, March 26
Parents and grandparents long to see their kids thrive in the faith. Richard Ross can help you with this. On Sunday, March 26, Dr. Ross will share insights from thirty years of student ministry. He is a professor to the next generation of student ministers at Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, and he has written over 25 books and speaks in over 40 conferences and churches each year. Our students at Hillcrest studied his latest book in their DiscipleNow weekend. It was about awakening a young generation to King Jesus. On Sunday, March 26, come hear his insights on welcoming King Jesus into our homes. Here's our schedule:
8:30 am – Breakfast in the MPC (Free, but registration is required). Dr. Ross will speak to children, youth, parents and grandparents on “Spiritual Life in the Home.”
10:00 am – Dr. Ross will preach in our morning service with a focus on families
11:00 am – Parents and teenagers will gather in the MPC for a workshop with Dr. Ross called, “Restoring Heart Connections.”