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Missions Committee Report

From the Missions Committee and Chairperson, Katie Cline 
Hello church family! In addition to the regularly supported missions gifts your offerings make possible throughout the year, we wanted to report on some additional items we have approved.

Hillcrest Missions Support to Louisiana and New England.
After a recent hurricane, Hillcrest was able to send $10,000 to Dutchtown Baptist Church in Louisiana, to help with repairs. Our own John Parker’s son Jay is on staff there. Pastor Lee Rogers wrote in a thank you note, "We are humbled by Hillcrest's generosity... Thank you and Hillcrest Church." This money was half from Mission’s Committee discretionary money and the rest was a matching donation.

After a recent Zoom interview with Terry Dorsett, director of the Baptist Convention of New England which we support with a monthly donation, Hillcrest has sent a one-time gift to support their church planting and college ministries in some of the least churched states in the country. Our gift of $15,000 from discretionary missions will help fund a director of campus ministries for 30 universities and colleges in the Northeast, including Harvard. 

Thank You For Your Support!