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Women's Ministry - Let’s Paint Bluebonnets

March 20, 2021, 10:00am to Noon - The MPC at Hillcrest (Registration Deadline March 13) Cost $15

Join us as Diane Goodman guides us to paint a bluebonnet picture! For everyone’s safety, individual stations with needed supplies will be spaced out in the MPC. Diane will be projected on the big screen so we can watch her instructions. All painting supplies provided for a $15 fee per painter. Registrations and payment need to be handled online, Sunday at church or at the church office (Mon-Thu 8:30am-4:30pm). No payment taken at event. Register and Pay Here Online. You can also register Sunday at church using an offering envelope marked "Paint Bluebonnets" with your NAME and CONTACT INFORMATION. Deadline to register and pay: March 13. Seating is limited to 20 for this event.