Please bring donations by Sunday, April 6th
NO EGGS are needed this year, but we still need candy and small toy donations for egg stuffing!
If you can help fill eggs between now and Palm Sunday, please let me know: diane@hillcrest.church. Many hands make light work!
You can also sign up here to volunteer for the Palm Sunday Egg Hunt event. We need lots of helpers to continue to make this event a great success!
Palm Sunday Egg Hunt Volunteers Sign Up HERE
Thank You for Supporting the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering!
Help Us Reach Our Hillcrest Goal: $5,000
Give Now to support the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
Palm Sunday, April 13 - Easter Sunday, April 20
Join us for Hillcrest’s Easter Trail Scavenger Hunt! This event will be available from Palm Sunday, April 13 through Easter Sunday, April 20. Since it’s outside, it’s available 24/7. Find the first egg in the planter box on the front porch. The egg will have a #1 and a QR code. Scan the QR code and listen to something that happened during the last week of Jesus’ life on earth. Then scroll down to find instructions on where to find the next egg. When you finish the Hunt, you can print a certificate commemorating your achievement. Or, you can come to the church office and have a certificate printed for you. (Office hours are M-Th 9-4). What a fun way to learn more about Jesus!
Celebrate Easter with a Baptism! Sunday April 20 during 10am Service
We have a baptism service scheduled for Easter Sunday, April 20. Parents, now would be a good time to discuss with your child or teen what it means to place our faith in Jesus and take the step of baptism.
If you want to join the Easter Baptism Celebration, or if you have any questions about it, fill out a Connection Card during the next worship service or contact Pastor Tom (tom@hillcrest.church) or 512-345-3771).
Palm Sunday, April 13, 1:00pm-2:30pm
Join us for some church family fellowship time on Palm Sunday. Bring a picnic lunch for you and your family and visit with old and new friends after your small group. Tables will be set up in the gym and on the plaza. The children’s Egg Hunt will be from 1:00-2:30pm. Volunteer to help, or just stay to watch the kids hunt for Easter Eggs. This is a great family fun day to share with your friends and neighbors.