Any good story involves a fight as well as a dream, a battle as well as a quest.
The stories we love involve a hope of what life should be. But in every one of those stories the heroes must fight valiantly against forces that would keep the dream from being a reality.
In Colossians 3:1-11, we discover that life with the Lord is very much like that. It includes both a quest that compels us forward and a battle against forces that hold us back.
In verses 1-4, we’re given our quest. Paul said, “Keep seeking the things above. Set your mind on the values of the kingdom, the priorities of the kingdom, and the rewards that wait for you in that kingdom.”
But we don’t have to meditate too long on the things above before we quickly identify things in our lives that don’t match that kingdom life. There are things we struggle against that simply do not match the quality of that life above. So, verses 5-11 tell us to battle against the things that warp desires within us and against the things that ruin relationships around us.
But note something about this Quest and this Battle. It’s not a solo project. When Paul says you need to seek the things above and you need to put to death what is earthly, the “you” is plural.
(By the way, this comes out in the Y’all Version Bible. If you haven’t heard about this online resource, check out Colossians 3 at this link!)
The point is, don’t go it alone. We need to challenge each other, pray for each other, confront each other, and build up each other. You can’t get far without connecting with other believers. That’s one reason we gather in Life Groups after the morning service. If you need to connect or reconnect with a Life Group, do it this Sunday!
How are you doing in the Worthy Quest and the Daring Battle? Read Colossians 3:1-11 and come study it with us this Sunday at 10am!
Tom Goodman serves as pastor at Hillcrest Church in Austin, Texas. His sermons are available on YouTube and the HillcrestToGo Podcast and you can find him on Facebook and Twitter. If someone forwarded this email newsletter to you, sign up here to receive Tom’s weekly devotional in your email inbox.