Dueling Leaf-Blowers and You

Did you read about the infamous leaf-blower incident in South Carolina? It’s a cautionary tale about getting along with others.

It seems that a man saw his neighbor blowing leaves onto his property one Sunday morning. In response, he got his leaf blower out of the garage and blew the leaves back into his neighbor’s yard. A duel of leaf-blowers ensued, with the two men standing at their property line blowing leaves back and forth.

Then it turned ugly. Yep, they started blowing air in each other’s faces.

By the time the police intervened, one man had head-butted the other three or four times, and one man had taken a hammer to the other man’s leaf-blower.

Pride goeth before a fall, says the book of Proverbs. Apparently, it also goeth before a fit.

This Sunday, we continue our sermon series called “Getting Along.” We’re looking at eight biblical solutions to conflict. If you want to catch up with the series or review the messages, go to our “Sermons” page, or to our YouTube channel or to our podcast.

We’ve already looked at how to tame anger and how to think “win-win.” This Sunday we’ll learn the fine art of the apology. Scripture guides us on this tough but necessary work. Then, as the series continues, we’ll learn...

how to mediate a conflict between others

the difference between “forgiving” offenses and “forbearing” annoyances

how to sharpen your communication skills

how to confront appropriately

how a greater trust in God contributes to peaceful living

True, not all our conflicts are as comical as the leaf-blower fight. Some differences are far more series and far more consequential. The good news is that God’s Word can guide us to resolve conflicts no matter how profound the issues, and no matter how much damage has already been done. Join us as we continue this important study! We meet every Sunday at 10am on campus or online.


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Tom Goodman serves as pastor at Hillcrest Church in Austin, Texas. His sermons are available on YouTube and the HillcrestToGo Podcast and you can find him on Facebook and Twitter. If someone forwarded this email newsletter to you, sign up here to receive Tom’s weekly devotional in your email inbox.